Cloud introduction

Documentation and training of the Flex²B solution is the first goal of this site.

We will be publishing some videos on the use of Flex²B in a cloud, web, Win or SaaS environment. When you want to get some insights on the behavior of Flex²B or just want to learn how to use the solution, these instructional videos will help you. Enjoy the material on this site..

On this main page, you have a sample on such a video. The other video's can be easily found back when using the menu's on top of this page and selecting the according topic.

Flex²B Cloud introduction


  • Video: demonstration
  • Video: informational
  • Video: presentation


  • The video in this site are seen as a modern way to make up documentation for operational personnel and users
  • For technical persons, configuration engeneers... there are paper document, best practices... available