Flex2B has some batch oriented tasks in it. The module that does the batch processing is known as the F2BDaemon application.
When it launches without arguments, it will just be a desktop application without any auto-start process.
AutoStart processes can be defined by adding arguments behind the launch link.
F2BDaemon is typical installed on a central computer with internet access and all resource capabilites. (ie on a Flex2B-home server)
Here is a list of auto-launch parameters and the modules that are activated (this might depend on some other settings of your environment)
Start-up parameters for F2BDaemon
PALLETCARDPRINT ==> automatically invokes and activates the module: Pallet Card Print
STOCKUNITPRINT ==> automatically invokes and activates the module: Stock Unit Card Print Gen2
LOVALIDATION ==> automatically invokes and activates the module: LO Validation
GS1SSCCPRINT ==> automatically invokes and activates the module: GS1 SSCC Card
DESADVAWARE ==> automatically invokes and activates the module: Des Adv Aware
DIRECTDELIVERY ==> automatically invokes and activates the module: Direct Delivery
PURCHASEORDER ==> automatically invokes and activates the module: PO SSCCCard
CLAIM ==> automatically invokes and activates the module: Claim ToERP
PLANNING ==> automatically invokes and activates the module: Planning
PLAN ==> automatically invokes and activates the module: Planning
MAIL ==> automatically invokes and activates the module: Mailing Queue
MAILING ==> automatically invokes and activates the module: Mailing Queue
DISTRIBUTION ==> automatically invokes and activates the module: Distri MasterData
GOODSRECEIPT ==> automatically invokes and activates the module: Goods Receipts
GOODSISSUE ==> automatically invokes and activates the module: Goods Issue
MANIFEST ==> automatically invokes and activates the module: Vessel Manifest ToCodit
VESSELMANIFEST ==> automatically invokes and activates the module: Vessel Manifest ToCodit
REEFER ==> automatically invokes and activates the module: Reefer Vessel
NFS ==> automatically invokes and activates the module: NFS Restriction
PCP ==> automatically invokes and activates the module: Pallet CardPrint
PCP1 ==> automatically invokes and activates the module: Pallet CardPrint
SUP ==> automatically invokes and activates the module: Stock Unit Card PrintGen2
SUP2 ==> automatically invokes and activates the module: Stock Unit Card PrintGen2
LOV ==> automatically invokes and activates the module: LO-Validation
GS1 ==> automatically invokes and activates the module: GS1 SSCCCard
DA1 ==> automatically invokes and activates the module: DesAdv Aware
DD ==> automatically invokes and activates the module: Direct Delivery
PO ==> automatically invokes and activates the module: PO SSCC Card
CL ==> automatically invokes and activates the module: Claim To ERP
PL ==> automatically invokes and activates the module: Planning
MQ ==> automatically invokes and activates the module: Mailing Queue
DIS ==> automatically invokes and activates the module: Distri MasterData
GR ==> automatically invokes and activates the module: Goods Receipts
GI ==> automatically invokes and activates the module: Goods Issue
MAT ==> automatically invokes and activates the module: Material & Properties
MATERIAL ==> automatically invokes and activates the module: Material & Properties
MATPROPERTY ==> automatically invokes and activates the module: Material & Properties
MAN ==> automatically invokes and activates the module: Vessel Manifest ToCodit
NFS ==> automatically invokes and activates the module: NFS Restriction
CCVR ==> automatically invokes and activates the module: Reefer Vessel
EDIORDER => automatically invokes and activates the module: EDIOrderFile
EDIDELIVERY => automatically invokes and activates the module: EDIDeliveryFile
CLAIMMAILS4 ==> automatically invokes and activates the module: ClaimMailS4
LOAUTOAPPROVE ==> automatically invokes and activates the module: LOAutoApprove
LOAA ==> automatically invokes and activates the module: LOAutoApprove
CUSTOMERSPECIFICDELIVERYDOCUMENT ==> automatically invokes and activates the module: Print Customer Specific Delivery Document (LBLBak-Print)
DELIVCUST ==> automatically invokes and activates the module: Print Customer Specific Delivery Document (LBL-BakPrint)
CUSTOMERDELIVERYFILE ==> automatically invokes and activates the module: Customer DeliveryEDI-File (Helf-format EDI file document)
CUSTOMERDELIVFILE ==> automatically invokes and activates the module: Customer DeliveryEDI-File (Helf-format EDI file document)
PORTDELIVERYPROCESS ==> automatically invokes and activates the module: PortDeliveryEDIFileProcessing (EDI Delivery file provided by a Hub (ie VLI)
FR ==> automatically invokes and activates the module: FinalRiskCalculationDaeomon (Apply the Final Risks, posted directly in the GRRATD to the related stock units)
FINALRISK ==> automatically invokes and activates the module: FinalRiskCalculationDaeomon (Apply the Final Risks, posted directly in the GRRATD to the related stock units)
RISK ==> automatically invokes and activates the module: FinalRiskCalculationDaeomon (Apply the Final Risks, posted directly in the GRRATD to the related stock units)