GS1 - 952 Prefix

When you need to write documentation or set up a test environment, you can use some dummy company prefixes defined by GS1 for demonstration, working sessions ... purposes.
We advise that you start the request of your GS1 company prefix / membership as soon as you start with the implementation exercise of Flex2B.

GS1 is the instance that manages these prefixes and the related circumstances. Please contact GS1 directly for enquiries or advice.

Snippet from the GS1 public documentation web site:


2.18 GS1 prefix 952 for examples

Examples of GS1 identification keys are required in standards, training, marketing material, etc. To avoid confusion with ‘real’ GS1 identification keys, this “dummy” GS1 prefix has been issued for use by anyone who needs to use examples of GS1 identification keys in documents, working sessions, demonstrations, or presentations.

GS1 prefix 952 is made available for demos and examples of GS1 identification keys. It is available to everyone: GS1 Global Office, Member Organisations, User companies, Solution Providers, etc.


More in detail information can be found at GS1. As a reference, we include the link below...