Module naming
Module naming and assigning modules to group
Overview of current modules for PDA pages and Web/Cloud (dd 2021-04)
The below list gives you a brief overview on the description and the related module objects. These "module objects" can be assigned to particular user groups that can be assigned to individual web users.
PDA / Android
PDA Extra Label Customer AdditionalDeliveryLabelPage
PDA Change PPS ChangePPSPage
PDA Change the Quantity on a Pallet ChangeQuantityPage
PDA Change Storage Cat ChangeStoragePage
PDA Charging Truck Correction ChargingTruckCorrectionPage
PDA Delivery ChargingTruckPage
PDA Complete Pallet CompletePalletPage
PDA Condition Check ConditionCheckPage
PDA Undo Consumption ConsumptionUndoPage
PDA Depletion Creation DepletionPage
PDA Discharge DischargePage
PDA Firmness Brix Weights FirmnessBrixPage
PDA FruitcountPage FruitcountPage
PDA FruitlabelsPage PDA FruitlabelsPage
PDA High Cubes HighCubesPage
PDA Enquiry InquiryPage
PDA Intercheck IntercheckPage
PDA Inwards InwardsPage
PDA Moving Pallets MovingPalletsPage
PDA Packaging PackagingPage
PDA PackhousePresencesPage PackhousePresencesPage
PDA Packs On Pallet PacksOnPalletPage
PDA QualityPresencesPage QualityPresencesPage
PDA Release Pallet ReleasePalletPage
PDA Return Check ReturnCheckPage
PDA Admin Settings SettingsPage
PDA Scanning of Stock SOSPage
PDA Speed Checking SpeedCheckingPage
PDA Consumption WMSDepletionPage
WEB / Cloud
WEB Delivery: Options and manipulations Web3DeliveryOptionsAndManipulations
WEB Cargo: Vessel / Airplane Definition oCargoVesselAirplaneDefinition
WEB Certification and Document Types List (Alias) oCertificationDocumentTypesAliasWebLookup
WEB Certification and Document Types List (Master) oCertificationDocumentTypesWebLookup
WEB Change Password oChangePassword
WEB Checklist Material Definition oCheckListMaterialDefinition
WEB Checklist Machine List oChLstMachineWebLookup
WEB Checklist Types List oChLstTypeWebLookup
WEB Pallets Claim (List) oCL_PALWebLookup
WEB Claim Customer oClaimCustomerFruitStore
WEB Claim Overview oClaimOverview
WEB Claims Customer (Claims Administration) oClaimsCustomer
WEB Claims Master1 Report Results oClaimsMaster1ReportResults
WEB ClaimsMaster1 Report Selections oClaimsMaster1ReportSelect
WEB Claims History Worksheet (DR7) oClaimsMaster1ReportView
WEB Claims Systems Table oClaimsSystemsTable
WEB Claim Status oClaimStatus
WEB Claims per status oClaimsTreeView
WEB Reason oCLReason
WEB CL Sub-Status oCLSubStatus
WEB Static Codes - List oCODETYPEWebLookup
WEB Cold Stores Scheduler List oColdStoreSchedWebLookup
WEB Plant Entity (UUID selection) oColdStoresEntityUUIDLookup
WEB Create a New Claim oCreateANewClaim
WEB Create a New Claim (Internal User) oCreateANewClaimInternalUser
WEB Inner Pack Contents - List ocsMatInnerPackContentsWebLookup
WEB Inner Pack Label - List ocsMatInnerPackLabelWebLookup
WEB Inner Pack - List ocsMatInnerPackWebLookup
WEB Outer Pack Contents - List ocsMatOuterPackContentsWebLookup
WEB Outer Pack Label - List ocsMatPackLabelWebLookup
WEB Select a color oDaColorLookup
WEB DR-History In Stock IWH [ dr-history-instock-iwh.dr ] oDRHistoryInStockIWHReportView
WEB DR - Material Master (Based on 'DR-MaterialMaster.dr') oDRMaterialMasterReportView
WEB DR - Stock per Produce Order (Based on DR-StockPerProduceOrder) oDRStockPerProduceOrderReportView
WEB Truck Document oDRTruckDocument1Popup
WEB TruckDocument (DR7) oDRTruckDocument1ReportView
WEB DR-WMS-Movements oDRWMSMovementsReportView
WEB Pallet Maintenance (Claims) oDummyWebAppThatIsNotUsed.oWeb3ClaimPalletMaintenance
WEB Multi Tentant oDummyWebAppThatIsNotUsed.oWeb3MultiTentant
WEB Origin Variety Specifications oDummyWebAppThatIsNotUsed.oWeb3OriVarEntries
WEB Distristribution Detail List oF2BDistriDetailWebLookup
WEB Distribution Header List oF2BDistriHeadWebLookup
WEB Flex2B Modules List oF2BModuleWebLookup
WEB Question.. ofaActionDialog
WEB Multi Panel View oInsideReport
WEB FlexýB Cloud & Web Edition oLoginDialog
WEB Mailing Queue oMailingQueue
WEB Mailing Queue List oMailingQueueWebLookup
WEB MultiTenant List oMultiTenantWebLookup
WEB Planning: Holidays oPlanHoliday
WEB Planning: Holiday List oPlanHolidayWebLookup
WEB PLANNED Schedule/Agenda definition oPlannedPopup
WEB Planning: Split oPlanningSplit
WEB Plan Scheduler Administrative oPlanSchedAdministrative
WEB Planning Scheduler List (Alias) ABC oPlanSchedAliasWebLookup
WEB Planning Approve For ERP - WS oPlanSchedApproveForWS
WEB Planning Scheduler List (Box Label Printing) oPlanSchedForBoxLabelPrintingWebLookup
WEB Reset planning colours oPlanSchedResetPlanningColours
WEB PlanSched System Parameters oPlanSchedSystemParameters
WEB Plan the Requests of the Market Managers (H/D) oPlanScheduledAgendasWebView
WEB Planning Scheduler List oPlanSchedWebLookup
WEB Documentation oPopupDocumentation
WEB Instruction Video oPopupInstructionVideo
WEB Planning Legenda oPopUpPlanningLengenda
WEB Please enter new password oPubPassReset
WEB Reset password oPubReqPassReset
WEB QIHeader List oQIHeaderWebLookup
WEB Request for a Production (Market Manager) oReservationPopup
WEB Sales Groups List oSalesGroupWebLookup
WEB ERP Soap postings - List oSAPWSMSGWebLookup
WEB Sensor Tags List oSensorTagsWebLookup
WEB Sensor Types List oSensorTypeWebLookup
WEB Static Codes - Maintenance oStaticCodesMaintenance
WEB Stock Unit Collection (Container) List oStockUnitCollectionWebLookup
WEB Stock Unit Enquiry (Web) oStockUnitEnquiry
WEB Module Group {SysAdmin Modal} oSysAdminModalModuleGroup
WEB DR-TruckDocument1 otttt
WEB Vendor List oVendorWebLookup
WEB Applicators on Production Lines oWeb3Applicators
WEB Cargo: Vessel / Airplane Definition oWeb3CargoVesselAirplaneDefinition
WEB Certification And Documents Types oWeb3CertificationAndDocumentsTypes
WEB Claim Management oWeb3ClaimManagement
WEB Pallet Maintenance (Claims) oWeb3ClaimPalletMaintenance
WEB Claim Creation Internal User oWeb3ClaimsInternalTreeView
WEB Cold Store Entity - Assigned Documents - Overview oWeb3ColdStoreEntityAssignedDocumentsOverview
WEB oWeb3ColdStoresEntityGrowersPlotsWebLookup
WEB Plant Entity - List oWeb3ColdStoresEntityWebLookup
WEB Communication UUID Inspector oWeb3CommUUIDInspector
WEB Consumption Undo oWeb3ConsumptionUndo
WEB Copy Complete Produce Order (Modal) oWeb3CopyCompletePOModal
WEB Copy User: setup parameters oWeb3CopyUserModal
WEB Create Authorisation (Based on a Delivery) oWeb3CreateAuthorisationBasedOnDelivery
WEB Create Authorisation (Based on an Order) oWeb3CreateAuthorisationBasedOnOrder
WEB Clients / Customers oWeb3CSClient
WEB Cold Store Vessel Plane Transport - List oWeb3CSCOOVESWebLookup
WEB Fruit Label List oWeb3csMatFruitLabelWebLookup
WEB Operation Line History (Detail Popup) oWeb3CSOperaDetailPopup
WEB Vessel or Plane List oWeb3csVessel2WebLookup
WEB Vessel and Airplane (Transport overseas) - List oWeb3CSVESSELWebLookup
WEB Customer Brands List oWeb3CustomerBrandWebLookup
WEB Delivery Documents oWeb3DeliveryDocuments
WEB Delivery and direct export on container oWeb3DeliveryWithContainer
WEB Global Systems (DesADV) oWeb3DesAdvView
WEB Distri Client Records oWeb3DistriClientRecord
WEB FGS - Template Report oWeb3DRAllFGSTemplateTablesWithoutActionsReportView
WEB Daily Deliveries (DR7) oWeb3DRDailyDeliveriesReportView
WEB Daily Operations (DR7) oWeb3DRDailyOperationsReportView
WEB Daily Production Planning (DR7) oWeb3DRDailyProductionPlanningReportView
WEB FGS Record - Report oWeb3DRFGSRecordsReportView
WEB Order Deliveries (DR7) oWeb3DROrderDeliveriesReportView
WEB Order Materials (DR7) oWeb3DROrderMaterialsReportView
WEB Print A Barcode (Manual code input) oWeb3DRPrintABarcodeReportView
WEB Procurement Main 1 - popup oWeb3DRProcurementMain1ReportViewPopup
WEB Produce Loss (DR7) oWeb3DRProduceLossReportView
WEB Production Planning Plannings (DR7) oWeb3DRProductionPlanningPlanningsReportView
WEB Production Planning Requests (DR7) oWeb3DRProductionPlanningRequestsReportView
WEB Recall Main (DR7) oWeb3DRRecallMain1ReportView
WEB blocked Stock Unit Overview (DR7) oWeb3DRStockUnitBlockedOverviewReportView
WEB Stock Unit Overview (DR7) oWeb3DRStockUnitOverviewReportView
WEB Stock Unit Overview - popup oWeb3DRStockUnitOverviewReportViewPopup
WEB Stock Units Per Vessel oWeb3DRStockUnitPerVesselReportView
WEB Vessel or Airplane Discharge (DR7) oWeb3DRVesselAirplaneDischargeReportView
WEB Due Deligence Maintenance oWeb3DueDeligenceUploads
WEB Due Dilligence Entity (Cold Store Assembly) oWeb3DueDiligenceEntity
WEB Due Diligence Maintenance oWeb3DueDiligenceUploads
WEB Due Dilligence Entity (Cold Store Assembly) oWeb3DueDilligenceEntity
WEB Enterprise Process Management: Agri Supply Chain Process Flow Assistant oWeb3EnterpriseProcessManagement
WEB Eyes Flat oWeb3EyesFlat
WEB Eyes Global Systems Parameters oWeb3EyesGlobalSystems
WEB Distribution Consulting oWeb3F2BDistributionConsulting
WEB FlexýB Groups oWeb3F2BGroup
WEB Group List oWeb3F2BGroupWebLookup
WEB FGS-Record oWeb3FGSRecord
WEB FGS Sites oWeb3FGSSites
WEB Food Global Standards: Template Definition oWeb3FGSTemplateDefinition
WEB Food Global Safety: Visitors Log Book oWeb3FGSVisitors
WEB Box Label Applicator XML file oWeb3Flex2BLabelForApplicatorXMLFile
WEB Global Systems (CsSys) oWeb3GlobalSystemsView
WEB Green Supply File Upload (Consult status) oWeb3GreenSupplyFileUploadConsult
WEB GS1 TrustBox Template oWeb3GS1TrustBoxTemplate
WEB IATA List oWeb3IATAWebLookup
WEB Insurance Container oWeb3InsuranceContainer
WEB Insurance Container Header - List oWeb3InsuranceContainerHWebLookup
WEB Insurance Container Template oWeb3InsuranceContainerTemplate
WEB Insurance Container Template Header - List oWeb3InsuranceContainerTemplateHWebLookup
WEB Laser Printers and PDA Attached WIFI printers oWeb3LasPrint
WEB Laser printers and portable printers - List oWeb3LASPRINTWebLookup
WEB Material Location Assignments oWeb3MaterialAssignments
WEB Material - List (sf) oWeb3MaterialFlatWebLookup
WEB Material Restriction & Validation Configuration oWeb3MaterialValidationConfiguration
WEB Messages oWeb3Messages
WEB Messages List oWeb3MessageWebLookup
WEB Assign Shipment to containers oWeb3MultiAssignShipmentsToContainers
WEB Multi Tentant oWeb3MultiTentant
WEB OI3P Queue oWeb3OI3PQueue
WEB OI3P - Sources oWeb3OI3PSources
WEB OI3P Species oWeb3OI3PSpecies
WEB OI3P - Variety oWeb3OI3PVariety
WEB FlexýB Process Flow Assistant oWeb3OnlineDocumentation
WEB Origin Variety Specifications oWeb3OriVarEntries
WEB Web3PackagingTraceability oWeb3PackagingTraceability
WEB Pack House Templates oWeb3PackHouseTemplate
WEB Pack House Template - List oWeb3PackHouseTemplateHWebLookup
WEB Palletizer Specifications oWeb3PalletizerSpecifications
WEB Palletizer Specifications List oWeb3PalletizerSpecificationsWebLookup
WEB Stock unit / Pallet System view (DesADV) oWeb3PalletSystemView
WEB Planning Resource oWeb3PlanningResource
WEB Produce Order Coldstore Move oWeb3POColdstoreMove
WEB PO Material Summary oWeb3POMaterialSummary
WEB PO Presences & Stops oWeb3POPresencesAndStops
WEB Stock Unit Popup oWeb3PopupStockUnit
WEB Prepare Cargo Stock Units oWeb3PrepareCargoStockUnits
WEB Prepare Mailing Queue oWeb3PrepareMailingQueue
WEB FlexýB Web, Cloud & SaaS: DashBoard oWeb3ProcessFlowDashBoard
WEB FlexýB Web, Cloud & SaaS: DashBoard oWeb3ProcessFlowView
WEB Process and Nodes - Service Definition oWeb3ProcessServiceDefinition
WEB Process Service Definition - List oWeb3ProcessServiceDefinitionWebLookup
WEB Procurement Definition oWeb3ProcurementDefinition
WEB Procurement 'Deliver to' ColdStore - List oWeb3ProcurementHeaderColdStoreWebLookup
WEB Procurement Definition List oWeb3ProcurementHeaderWebLookup
WEB Requests for Procurement Materials By Vendor - List oWeb3ProcurementMaterialsByVendorWebLookup
WEB Cold Store - List (Procurement Material Vendor) oWeb3ProcurementMaterialVendorColdWebLookup
WEB Procurement Sign-In oWeb3ProcurementSignIn
WEB Procurement SignIn (Popup) oWeb3ProcurementSignInPopup
WEB Recall Header List oWeb3RecallHWebLookup
WEB Recall Main Management oWeb3RecallMainManagement
WEB Requested vs Planning Agenda oWeb3RequestVsPlannedAgendasRO
WEB S4 Material / Article - List oWeb3S4ZPRODUCTWebLookup
WEB Sales Groups oWeb3SalesGroup
WEB Samples Upload (Consult status) oWeb3SamplesUploadConsult
WEB Samples Uploaded Edit oWeb3SamplesUploadEdit
WEB Flex2B For Market Managers oWeb3SchedulerForMarketManagersWO
WEB Flex²B For Production Planners oWeb3SchedulerForPlannersWO
WEB Timeline & Units (Production) oWeb3SchedulerTimeline
WEB Seal Ranges (Container seals) oWeb3SealRanges
WEB Seal Ranges List oWeb3SealRangesWebLookup
WEB Security Tools oWeb3SecurityTools
WEB Current Stock Overview (SF) oWeb3SFCurrentStock
WEB Web3SQLUtility oWeb3SQLUtility
WEB Stock Unit Collection Modal (Effective containers) oWeb3StockUnitCollectionModalView
WEB StockUnit Collection / Container - Standard oWeb3StockUnitCollectionStandardView
WEB SysAdmin CleanUp oWeb3SysAdminCleanUp
WEB SysAdmin DR Tools and Clean up oWeb3SysAdminDRToolsCleanUp
WEB Transport & Shipment oWeb3TransportShipment
WEB Transport & Shipment List oWeb3TransportShipmentWebLookup
WEB Truck Document List oWeb3TRUCKDOCWebLookup
WEB Assign Shipment to Containers oWeb3TTT
WEB 2. Assign Shipment to containers oWeb3TTT2
WEB Due Diligence Upload and Maintenance oWeb3UploadFileGreenSupply
WEB Upload New Blocks and New Growers for a Plant Entity oWeb3UploadMassGrowersBlocksPerPlantEntity
WEB Upload Mass Growers for a Plant Entity oWeb3UploadMassGrowersPerColdStoreEntity
WEB Produce Lab-Samples Upload to Web environment (unsecure) oWeb3UploadProduceLabSamples
WEB User Recent & Favorites oWeb3UserRecentFavorites
WEB Recent Used Components - List oWeb3UserRecentWebLookup
WEB Vendor oWeb3Vendor
WEB Vendors List oWeb3VendorLookup
WEB Supplier definition: Vendors and ColdStores oWeb3VendorsColdStores
WEB Vendor - List oWeb3VendorWebLookup
WEB Web Services Posting History To ERP oWeb3WebServicePostingHistoryToErp
WEB REST Web Services - InOut - LabResult Logging oWeb3WSInOutLabResultLogging
WEB Liaison PO's - List oWeb3XPOSUCDWebLookup
WEB Applicators List oWeb3ZAPPLICWebLookup
WEB PDA Handheld User oWeb3zHandUsr
WEB PDA Handheld User List oWeb3ZHANDUSRWebLookup
WEB Global Systems (zLblXML) oWeb3zLblXMLView
WEB Production Lines List oWeb3ZLINEPALWebLookup
WEB Stock Unit Zoom oWeb3ZoomStockUnit
WEB Product List - Alternates oWeb3ZPRODUC6WebLookup
WEB Web Users oWebAppUserWebLookup
WEB WebApp-User Password Reset Monitoring oWebRiaAppPasswordResetMonitoring
WEB WebApp Environment Settings oWebRiaAppSettings
WEB Assets Management oWebRiaAssetsManagement
WEB Bulk SSCC Creation oWebRiaBulkCreationModal
WEB Quality & Checking Criteria oWebRiaCCCriteria
WEB Change Planning of a Stock Unit oWebRiaChangePlanning
WEB CheckList Type oWebRIACheckListType
WEB Cold Store View oWebRIAColdStoreView
WEB Storage Category & Colours oWebRiaCOLOURWebLookup
WEB Creations (Produce Order) oWebRiaCreations
WEB Goods Receipt - Authorisations oWebRiaCSAUTH_HWebLookup
WEB Brand List oWebRIACSBRANDWebLookup
WEB Quality & Checking Criteria List oWebRiaCSCCCRITWebLookup
WEB Class List oWebRiaCSCLASSWebLookup
WEB Clients or Customers List oWebRiaCSCLIENTWebLookup
WEB Storage Category List oWebRiaCSCOLOR2WebLookup
WEB Storage Category (Criteria) oWebRiaCSCOLOR4WebLookup
WEB Storage Category (Colours) oWebRiaCSColour
WEB Deliveries oWebRiaCSCOOLOHWebLookup
WEB Cold Store List oWebRiaCSCOOLS2WebLookup
WEB Cold Store List oWebRiaCSCOOLS3WebLookup
WEB Cold Store List oWebRiaCSCOOLSTWebLookup
WEB Growing Method List oWebRIACSGROMETWebLookup
WEB Orders oWebRiaCSKMBLOHWebLookup
WEB Operations - List oWebRiaCSOPTYPEWebLookup
WEB Origin List oWebRiaCSORIGINWebLookup
WEB Pack Category List oWebRiaCSPACCATWebLookup
WEB Pack Style List oWebRiaCSPACSTYWebLookup
WEB Pallet Base List oWebRiaCSPALBASWebLookup
WEB Production Order - List oWebRiaCSPALDCHWebLookup
WEB Stock Unit & SSCC List oWebRiaCSPALHWebLookup
WEB Stacking configuration List oWebRiaCSSTACKIWebLookup
WEB Storage Methods - List oWebRiaCSSTOMETWebLookup
WEB Operation Types - List oWebRiaCSTYPEWebLookup
WEB Variety List oWebRIACSVARIETWebLookup
WEB FlexýB Web, Cloud & SaaS: DashBoard oWebRIADashBoardView
WEB Delivery oWebRiaDelivery
WEB Depletions (Produce Order) oWebRiaDepletions
WEB Fertilisation oWebRiaFertilisation
WEB Field Activities oWebRiaFieldActivities
WEB WebRiaFirmness oWebRiaFirmness
WEB Firmness List oWebRiaFIRMNESSWebLookup
WEB Field Activities List oWebRiaFLDACTIVWebLookup
WEB Fertilisation List oWebRiaFLDFERTWebLookup
WEB Flex2B Opening screen oWebRiaGenericOpeningScreen
WEB Goods Receipt and Returns oWebRIAGoodsReceipt
WEB Users per Group oWebRiaGroupUsers
WEB Harvest Quality Firmness oWebRIAHarvestQualityFirmness
WEB Operation oWebRiaLiaisonsAndRelationsBetweenPOsFrom
WEB Operation oWebRiaLiaisonsAndRelationsBetweenPOsTo
WEB Lot oWebRiaLot
WEB LOT List oWebRiaLOTWebLookup
WEB Material Change oWebRiaMaterialChange
WEB Material Master oWebRiaMaterialMaster
WEB Modify Stock Unit and Operations Characteristics oWebRiaModifyStockUnitAndOperationsCharacteristics
WEB Modules oWebRiaModules
WEB Web Module per Group oWebRiaModulesPerGroup
WEB Operation Types oWebRiaOperationTypes
WEB Operations oWebRiaOpertions
WEB Sales Order Creation oWebRiaOrderCreation
WEB Parcel Activities oWebRiaParcelActivities
WEB Parcel: Fertilisation, spraying, pesticides oWebRiaParcelFertilisation
WEB Parcel List oWebRiaParcelKPINWebLookup
WEB Parcels (KPIN) oWebRiaParcels
WEB Pools And Ranges oWebRiaPoolsAndRanges
WEB Portable Document File oWebRiaPopUpPDF
WEB Product Base oWebRIAProductBase
WEB Product / Material List oWebRIAPRODUCTWebLookup
WEB Quality Inspection oWebRiaQIHeaderDetail
WEB WebRiaQIMeasurement oWebRiaQIMeasurement
WEB QI PDA Tablet 1 oWebRiaQIPDATablet1
WEB Reverse oWebRiaReverse
WEB Sensor Tags oWebRiaSensorTags
WEB Sensor Types oWebRiaSensorTypes
WEB FlexýB SQL: DashBoard oWebRIASQLDashBoardView
WEB Stock Units Per Material oWebRiaStockUnitsPerMaterial
WEB Stock Unit: WMS Info oWebRiaStockUnitWMSInfo
WEB Stock Unit: Planning for WMS Info oWebRiaStockUnitWMSPlanning
WEB PO List for Stock Unit From oWebRiaSUDCH1WebLookup
WEB PO List for Stock Unit 'To' oWebRiaSUDCH2WebLookup
WEB TruckDocument (VRW) oWebRiaTruckDocumentVRW
WEB Produce Handling: Untouched Quantity Operation oWebRiaUntouchedQtyOperation
WEB Warehouse allocation - WMS Graphical: oWebRiaWMSGraphical1
WEB WMS Definition List oWebRiaWMSHeadWebLookup
WEB WMS Locations oWebRiaWMSLocations
WEB WMS Locations List oWebRiaWMSLocatWebLookup
WEB Web Services - InOut oWebRIAWSInOut
WEB Label Indicator List oWebRiaZLBLINDWebLookup
WEB Pack Code Identicator List oWebRiaZPACCODEWebLookup
WEB Product / Material List oWebRiaZPRODUC2WebLookup
WEB Material list oWebRiaZPRODUC4WebLookup
WEB Web User oWebUserMaintenance
WEB ZesTranslationDialog oZesTranslationDialog
WEB Products for Production Planning - List ozProductSchedulerWebLookup
WEB Raw Products Scheduler List ozRawProductSchedulerWebLookup