Checklist Product Recall number(wk/n°): .... / 202…
Name Employee: Name Manager:
Signature: Signature:
Date + Time:
Reason for starting Recall Procedure:
- Production Line
- Transport
- Person (contaminated)
- Foreign material
- Exceeding Residue:
- Chemical:________________
- Residue: __________ppm
- EU MRL: __________ppm
- Other:________________________
Level of seriousness ✍ 1 very small ✍ 2 Moderate ✍ 3 Real ✍ 4 Severe
Batch affected is (Step 1 Product recall procedure) :
✍ Airplane / vessel: _____________________ deck / hatch:______
✍ Pack house: _____________________
✍ Orchard / Variety: _____________________
✍ Other: _____________________
Terminals / Plants / Cold Stores - instructed to identify / separate / stop load out of concerned product? (Step 7 Product recall procedure)
✍ y ✍ n: reason:___________
Authorities informed / certification bodies informed ? (Step 10 Product recall procedure)
✍ y: by whom:___________________ date:_____________________
✍ n: reason:___________
Sign-off manager
Name + Signature:
Plant 1
Plant 2
Copy additional columns
# S.U. received:
# S.U. in stock (Step 2 Product recall procedure)
Inwards per grower
All S.U. blocked in stock?
Date :
✍ y
✍ y
✍ y
✍ y
# original LOP (Step 3 Product recall procedure)
Original LOP per grower
of which how many ICT?
DVORDER per grower for all clients
# last operations type if not in stock (= In repack) (Step 3 Product recall procedure)
Last operation type per grower
SUM 1 + 2 + 3 = # S.U. received?
Vessel Manifest
✍ y
✍ y
✍ y
✍ y
# created S.U. in repack (=OUT) (Step 4 Product recall procedure)
Report attached depletion-creation
(re)packing Depletion
Depletion-creations per date
✍ y
✍ y
✍ y
# repack in stock
All S.U. blocked in stock?
Date :
✍ y
✍ y
✍ y
# repack in load out
SUM 4 + 5 = # S.U. created (Step ___ Product recall procedure)
✍ y
✍ y
✍ y
✍ y
S.U. in transit blocked? (Step ___ Product recall procedure)
✍ y
✍ y
✍ y
✍ y
*S.U. = stock units / logistical units
Effective Product Recall: ✍ Yes ✍ No Clarification: _______________________
Total stock units to recall (SUM 2 + 5):
Stock units to recall delivered in last 30 days?
List of customers to contact attached? ✍ y ✍ n
Is the name of Employee / contact person / date / name of contact per customer added on the list? ✍ y ✍ n
Communication to ____________________? (Step 9 Product recall procedure) ✍ y ✍ n
Other fruit involved ✍ y ✍ n
Report inward stock unit per customer attached? (Step 5 and Step 11 Product recall procedure)
ORDER per grower for all clients ✍ y ✍ n
TOTAL stock units effective returned: (Step ____ of the Product recall procedure)
# stock units dumped:
Sign-off manager
Name + Signature:
(Step 14 and Step 15 Product recall procedure)