Services Oriented Connectivity
Services Oriented Connectivity
Services interfaces
Services Environments
- ERP vs Flex2B
- Industrial PDA-Client UI vs Flex2B (!!! != Mobile App)
- Production Line automation vs Flex2B
- Lab apps vs Flex2B
- Ie FTA, brix, weighing,…
- Flex2B vs Flex2B
- And also the good old File oriented connectivity
🡪 Web services Server side Apps – clientless UI/UX
- Soap 1.1 & soap 1.2
- json
- REST & RESTful , APIs
- B2B Systems, Lab results, 3rd party client Apps…
Flex2B gives you the possibilities to interface through a wide set of options.
- The classic file uploading or generation by CSV, TXT, eDocs, …
- Disadvantage: dependent to other file protocols, close monitoring, hard to debug
- Advantage: most systems can connect to it
Server side operations
- Soap 1.1 & soap 1.2
- Json
- Rest & RESTful services / APIs
Client side operations
- Daemon or
- Embedded in the application
- Soap 1.1 & soap 1.2
- Json
- Rest & RESTful services
Client Side / samples
- Communication to ERP/SAP
- Claim posting & updates
- MPP posting & updates
- Planning information posting & updates
- Goods issue
- Goods receipt…
- Communication to 3rd Parties
- Hesperides
- MaxCrop
- Codit …
- Communication to other Flex2B instances (distribution model for automated inheritance of information)
- Stock unit inheritance
- Authorisation inheritance
- Material distribution
- …
Server Side / samples
- RESTFul services
For Android communication
- All industrial Flex2B PDA processes supported
- Documentation and implementation guidelines on-line
- The server side REST interfaces are fully documented at:
Client and or Server Side / ERP samples
Client side SOAP 1.1 + 1.2 to SAP
http://testenv1.customersite.cpy:8000/sap/bc/srt/wsdl/flv_10002A111AD1/bndg_url/sap/bc/srt/rfc/sap/zflex2b_claim_create/470/zflex2b_claim_create/zflex2b_claim_create?sap-client=470 - SAP-WS CLAIM CUST
Client and or Server Side / ERP samples
Server Side / Machinery samples
- Server side SOAP 1.1 + 1.2 to production lines applications
- wsFlex2BTalkLineStyle.wso : Public method - argument
- IN: string
- OUT: string.
- Audience: Machinery via WebServices
with sub-processes / machinery instructions for:
Server Side / industrial PDA
- wsFlex2BTalk.wso:
- abstraction soap oriented industrial pda automation for soap
based handhelds,
ie Windows Mobile (Symbol)
- abstraction soap oriented industrialpda automation for json/RESTful
based handhelds
Ie Android Clients (Zebra, Honeywell…)
- IN – dynamic XML ,
OUT dynamic XML, format is data driven,
no fixed node structure is predefined. (via passed dynamic XML) - Json / RESTful – comparable solution (see docs of json on documentation section on postman)
Server Side / industrial PDA
sub soap-processes for…
- BT Box Tipping (Box Depleting).
- CC Quality module: Condition Check Condition check / Intercheck
- CD N.I.U. Check for delivery (2009) - not in operational use since 2010 Check for Delivery - N.I.U.
- CP CARD Print (pallet card print) To send info to the daemon to print a pallet card
- CR Checking on return Checking on return (New 2012)
- CS Set current shift (only for production lines) Set current shift (only for production lines) -> simple test for production automation
- DC Pallet creation and depletion (depletion and creation) Pallet creations and depletion
- EC GS1: dummy to real GS1: release pallet
- EP Packs on pallet or stock unit Put packs on an existing stock unit
- FB Firmness and Brix & FTA + 10 readings extra Firmness:N1,4 / Brix:N1,2 Registration of Firmness and Brix
- FC Failed Check Not used on PDA (GVDM)
- FP Finish pallet Finish pallet
- FS Soft readings Registration of Firmness and Brix
- HC High cube manipulation HC = high cube NSC = normal stacking configuration Entering in the DB will occur when qty_to_move <> 0 A materialchange on the originating pallet will occur when
- IC Intercheck Condition check / Intercheck
- IW Vessel/Plane Discharge When discharging
- KG Weight of a Stock Unit (Roadmap 2016)
- LO Load Out hook-in for the entire delivery web service object (PDADelivery.wso) - is built in Deliveryv1.wso
- MC Material Change Material change Test SSCC: 15415835...022646
- MP Scan missing GS1 packs on a pallet or stock unit (Complete pallet) Scans the missing GS1 codes on a pallet aka Complete pallet / Stock Unit
- MS Messaging towards PDA
- PA Print to applicator Print a label to the applicator qeueu - obsolete from season 2010-2011
- PN Pallet card number. This gives a pallet card to the invoking client
- PO PO purchase order generation Via the PDA
- PS PalletPrioritisation System per pallet registration / Change PPS PPS reassignments
- PT Packaging Traceability NULL
- QC QUALITY Condition Check Condition check / Intercheck - Never defined
- QF QUALITY Failed Check Never defined
- QI QUALITY Intercheck Never defined
- R2 Return from Harvest (PC Allowed) (Roadmap 2016) Never defined
- RA Returns (IWC/P/T) Inwards from coolstore, panelist etc
- SC Change storage colour Wijzigingen storage colour
- SP Speed Checking (CCS) Speed checking (CCS in opera) Introduced: Season 2010-2011 Added nodes 21-28 SP_Firmness
- SS Scanning of stock 2011 - New
- SY Sync introduced during API Restful services NULL
- TC Temperatures °C (Roadmap 2016) NULL
- US Online check Use this process to see whether your terminal has a connection to the web service server
- WC WMS Location Check NULL
- WF FREE WMS stock location NULL
- WI IN: WMS Set SSCC on stock location NULL
- WO OUT: WMS Take SSCC from stock location NULL
- WSMetaFlex2BData.wso : Flex2B <> 3rd party apps – meta info
- WSResetAbortNow.wso : Flex2B Stop an abort all session
- WSStockUnitRanges.wso : Flex2B distributed environment SSCC suffix range distribution
Server Side / industrial PDA
- WSMetaFlex2BData.wso : Flex2B <> 3rd party apps – meta info
- WSResetAbortNow.wso : Flex2B Stop an abort all session
- WSStockUnitRanges.wso : Flex2B distributed environment SSCC suffix range distribution
Server Side / other Connectivity
- The following list is a list of the web service object and a description.
- Each object can have 1 or more methods defined.
- When needed upon request, we can dig deeper in the objects and describe the individual methods.
- On-line documentation and wsdl info can be obtained by entering the “service location”/testcontent.htm
As a sample, For a test environment it can be something such as:
Server Side / other Connectivity: Web Objects
- AppBuild.wso : application build service, Application update mechanism
- authorisation.wso : Goods Receipts mechanism, de-central vs central sync
- ClaimConnect.wso : Claim connector for SAP
- ClaimsPallet.wso : Inherit Pallet information for a Claim
- ConnectAPIFlex2BDirectDelivery.wso : SAP <> Direct deliveries
- ConnectAPIFlex2BForForwarders.wso : Ports & Forwarders <> data exchange
- ConnectAPIFlex2BMaterialMetaData.wso : Ports & Forwards, SAP, data & parental characteristics exchange
- ConnectAPIFlex2BMetaData.wso : Flex2B to 3rd party – Meta data exchange
- ConnectAPIFlex2BOrder.wso : SAP <> Flex2B Orders
- ConnectAPIFlex2BPurchaseOrder.wso : SAP <> Flex2B produce orders
- desAdv.wso : GS1 Based desAdv
Server Side / other Connectivity: Web Objects
- owsERPtoF2BClaims.wso : Posting from SAP to Flex2B, updated Claim information
- owsOpenFarmersAgronomistPostingToFlex2B.wso : Flex2B <> Agronomists
- owsOpenFarmersPostingToFlex2B.wso : Flex2B <> Farmers & Producers
- owsOpenHesperidesToFlex2B.wso : Flex2B <> Hesperides
- PackagingPalletNumberCreation.wso : Flex2B Packaging Traceability & monitoring service
- PalletCardNumberGeneration.wso : Flex2B Generate and allocate a SSCC from a pool
- PalletInfoWebService.wso : Flex2B Pallet (SSCC) and Pack Service
- PalletNumberCreation.wso : similar to PalletCardNumberGeneration.wso
- PDADelivery.wso : Flex2B <> Collection of methods for Port Delivery apps
- PDAPartDelivery.wso : see previous, for partial deliveries
- WMSCellCharacteristics.wso : Location Management services