Installation of Flex2B
- IT Technical personnel
- Business Consultants
- Business Analysts
- IT Architects
- Integrator
- Flex2B Core users
- Server environment (can be on your workstation)
- DB Setup (F2BBase + SCM / WMS -DB) - currently mainly based around MS SQL (Currently 2016SP2/CU13++, 2019, 2022 ...)
- See that on a workstation the 'SQL Management Studio / Configuration ... ' is installed. You can mostly download such a component from the internet. (ie SSMS for MS SQL)
- User rights level
- Internet Information Server
- Run-time environment
- DF19.1 Client RT / DFR7.0 RT / Components
- DF19.1 Server RT on machine operating IIS
- DF23.0 Client RT / DFR8.2 RT / Components
- DF23.0 Server RT on machine operating IIS
- Modern dHtml capable Browser + PDF plug-ins
- Individual component registrations & purpose explanation.
- Referral to the on-line documentation! (this documentation)
As a installation & configuration test:
- Primary walk through application(s) :
- Classic UI vs Cloud/Touch UI vs Services (soap/rest)
- Background tools.