Flex2B Workstation installation

Connecting to Flex2B through the Classic User Interface, also used to be called G.U.I.

Flex2B (Classic UI) runs as a MS Windows Application.
Multiple background applications are written as a Windows application with a Windows G.U.I for consulting or management purposes.

Components needed for a working Flex2B installation

1. Microsoft SQL Server client
       * Always consult the Microsoft site to see the latest edition of these components

       - SQL Native Client (11-sql2012-SP1+):  sqlncli  https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=50402

- SQL OLE-DB Client 18.x.x  https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=56730

- MS SQL ODBC 17 for running the DataFlex Reports embedded in Flex2B

2. Data Access - DF Client (WS) or Server (Web component hosting)  run time (currently version 19.1) Non-unicode, 32-Bit (Depreciated)


2. Data Access - DF Client (WS) or Server (Web component hosting)  run time (currently version 23.0) - UNICode + 64-Bit -  

Download DataFlex studio | DataFlex Downloads Center (dataaccess.com)


2. Data Access - DF Client (WS) or Server (Web component hosting)  run time (currently version 24.0) - UNICode + 64-Bit (Depreciated)   

Download DataFlex studio | DataFlex Downloads Center (dataaccess.com)


2. Data Access - DF Client (WS) or Server (Web component hosting)  run time (currently version 25.0) - UNICode + 64-Bit 

Download DataFlex studio | DataFlex Downloads Center (dataaccess.com)

3. Code jock 16.4 and 18.3 distribution Run time 

4. Multiple DLL's that might need registration. These are available in the ./Programs folder

5. Reporting run times:

- DF-Reports 7 or 8.2 or 2024 Client run-time or run-time component

- !! Depreciated: SAP-BO-Crystal XI run-time & related libraries (should be depreciated as from Dec. 2019, removed from version 230.)

6. eaSendMail distribution component

7. Metrech Data SQL_DRV or F2S_MS (available in ./Programs folder)


1. Version numbers of all kind of software & connectors vary fast.  It can be possible to have newer versions when this document is consulted. These releases must be granted by the security solution of your enterprise. We advise to grant the security on folder level and not on an individual file (ie binaries)!

2. All products registration marks belong to their respective holders.